Dear Point of Life Church Family

I want to share with you my strong concern with the scenario playing out currently through our nation.

I am acutely aware of the reality that a flu virus, Covid 19, does exist, and that many have been severely affected, and even others have died.

I also understand that the scientific experts have made it clear, the elderly and people with underlying health issues, are the ones at risk.

For this reason,
I believe that the elderly and people with underlying health concerns, should quarantine themselves until this virus dies out or a vaccine can be created.

I do not see why perfectly, healthy individuals, who, according to the science, are not in any real health risk, should stop living productive lives.

The flu has been around for years. Unfortunately, many have died (the elderly and people with underlying health issues).

After reading many executive orders, watching countless White House briefings, and speaking personally with local officials, I’m convinced that none of us can trust the media’s reporting of the truth.

If all it takes to disassemble the church is a flu virus, we are in trouble. I cannot participate any longer in this fiasco. I believe that if things are as bad as they are being portrayed, the church needs to be assembling now more than ever.

Our church is young in the Lord. We cannot afford to remain apart. In Just this short time,
I have already developed grave concerns over the spiritual health of some.

In a radio interview on Wed. April 8th, South Carolina’s Attorney General, Alan Wilson, stated that churches could meet as long as they abide by the CDC’s guidelines for social distancing.

I will not ask anyone who considers their health to be at risk to attend a church service. However, I do want to caution everyone concerning the risk to your spiritual health in forsaking to assemble together
as the body of Christ.

People go to work and to the grocery store, because it is considered essential. Well, church is essential too. Essential or not, if you are safe at the filthy grocery stores, and working all day around other individuals, then I feel confident you will be safe in
God’s presence as well.

Going forward, the Point of Life church is open for worship. We will stream each service; however, streaming can never replace assembling.

If you disagree with me, that’s ok. Just like always, attending church is volunteer. If you choose to remain at home until the government gives the all clear, we will respect your decision; however, we will be praying for that to happen as soon as possible.
Simply put, we miss fellowshipping with each of you.

We will have a communion service this Sunday,
April 12, at 10:15am and regular service at 11am.
I can’t wait to celebrate the resurrection of
our Lord and savior!

Please do not argue with others, yea or nay, about their views and opinions regarding this matter.
Follow your own convictions, while encouraging others to do the same!

God bless each of you,
Your pastor – Anthony J Shetley