December 22nd, 2024
by Anthony Shetley
by Anthony Shetley
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
As the familiar melodies of Christmas carols fill the air and twinkling lights adorn our streets, we find ourselves once again in what many call "the most wonderful time of the year." But beyond the festive decorations and holiday cheer lies a profound truth that has the power to transform our lives: Christmas is about the arrival of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the promised Messiah and King.
For those who have embraced faith, Christmas holds a special significance. It's not merely a holiday, but a celebration of life and salvation from God. The birth of Jesus in the small town of Bethlehem wasn't just a historical event; it was the moment God came to us. This divine gift continues to resonate through time, as the life once born in a manger is now born in the hearts of all who receive Him as their personal savior.
For those who have embraced faith, Christmas holds a special significance. It's not merely a holiday, but a celebration of life and salvation from God. The birth of Jesus in the small town of Bethlehem wasn't just a historical event; it was the moment God came to us. This divine gift continues to resonate through time, as the life once born in a manger is now born in the hearts of all who receive Him as their personal savior.

The First Christmas Carol
Imagine being present for the first-ever Christmas song. It wasn't performed by any of the crooners we associate with holiday music today. Instead, the inaugural Christmas carol was sung by a choir of angels to an unlikely audience: a group of humble shepherds. As recorded in Luke 2:13-14, "And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.'" This heavenly proclamation set the tone for all Christmas celebrations to come – a focus on giving glory to God and experiencing His peace.
Signs of His Coming: Then and Now
Just as the first coming of Christ was accompanied by signs – the star that guided the wise men, the prophecies fulfilled, and John the Baptist's ministry – we are told that His second coming will also be heralded by signs. Many believe that we are witnessing these signs in our world today. This realization should fill us with anticipation and hope, much like the excitement that built up to that first Christmas night.
The True Gift of Christmas: Reconciliation and New Life
At its core, Christmas is about reconciliation. Jesus came to bridge the gap between God and humanity, a divide created by sin. As we celebrate His birth, we're reminded of the ultimate purpose of His life – to reconcile the world to God. For those who have received Him, there's an incredible gift: the right to become children of God. This spiritual rebirth allows us to join the angelic chorus, glorifying God from hearts transformed by His love.
The Timeless Message: Repentance and the Kingdom
The message Jesus brought with Him remains as relevant today as it was two thousand years ago: "Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand." These words challenge us to examine our hearts and turn towards God. It's a call to prepare room in our lives for the King of Kings.
Interestingly, many who were physically close to Jesus during His earthly ministry missed the significance of His presence due to unbelief. Today, we face a similar challenge. The apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 10:8 that "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart." Christ is not a distant figure but One who desires to be intimately close to each of us.
Interestingly, many who were physically close to Jesus during His earthly ministry missed the significance of His presence due to unbelief. Today, we face a similar challenge. The apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 10:8 that "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart." Christ is not a distant figure but One who desires to be intimately close to each of us.
The Nearness of God's Kingdom
This nearness of Christ and His kingdom is a central theme of the Christmas message. Acts 17:27 beautifully expresses this truth: "That they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us." God is not hiding from us; He's revealing Himself through His Word and His Spirit, inviting us into a relationship with Him.

The Eternal Significance of Our Response
As we reflect on the importance of Christmas, we're confronted with the weighty reality of our eternal destiny. The Bible teaches that we are more than just physical beings; we have a body, soul, and spirit. While our physical bodies are temporary, our souls will exist eternally – either in the presence of God or separated from Him.
This sobering truth is balanced by the good news at the heart of Christmas: God desires that all people come to repentance and experience the life offered through Jesus Christ. The birth we celebrate at Christmas is an invitation to new life available to all of us today.
This sobering truth is balanced by the good news at the heart of Christmas: God desires that all people come to repentance and experience the life offered through Jesus Christ. The birth we celebrate at Christmas is an invitation to new life available to all of us today.
A Personal Invitation
The story of Christmas is, at its heart, a personal invitation. Just as the shepherds were invited to "come and see" the Christ child, we too are called to draw near to God. Romans 10:9-10 outlines the simplicity and profundity of this invitation: "If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."
This Christmas season, we're reminded that the greatest gift we can receive isn't found under a tree but in the person of Jesus Christ. It's a gift of salvation, reconciliation, and eternal life with God.
Looking Forward: The Second Advent
As we celebrate the first advent of Christ, we're also prompted to look forward to His promised return. Many believe that, just as there were signs pointing to His first coming, we're seeing indications of His second coming in our world today. This anticipation should fill us with hope and urgency, inspiring us to draw near to God and share His love with others.
This Christmas season, we're reminded that the greatest gift we can receive isn't found under a tree but in the person of Jesus Christ. It's a gift of salvation, reconciliation, and eternal life with God.
Looking Forward: The Second Advent
As we celebrate the first advent of Christ, we're also prompted to look forward to His promised return. Many believe that, just as there were signs pointing to His first coming, we're seeing indications of His second coming in our world today. This anticipation should fill us with hope and urgency, inspiring us to draw near to God and share His love with others.
A Call to Action
This Christmas, let's move beyond the surface-level celebrations and embrace the true meaning of the season. Here are some ways we can respond to the Christmas message:
1. Take time for personal reflection and repentance.
2. Open your heart to receive Christ anew.
3. Look for ways to share God's love and the message of Christmas with others.
4. Live with an awareness of Christ's return, allowing it to shape your priorities and actions.
As we stand on the threshold of another Christmas, may we recognize how close we are to the heart of its message. Christ is near, the word is in our mouths and hearts, and the kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Let's draw near to Him today, allowing the true spirit of Christmas to transform our lives and, through us, the world around us.
1. Take time for personal reflection and repentance.
2. Open your heart to receive Christ anew.
3. Look for ways to share God's love and the message of Christmas with others.
4. Live with an awareness of Christ's return, allowing it to shape your priorities and actions.
As we stand on the threshold of another Christmas, may we recognize how close we are to the heart of its message. Christ is near, the word is in our mouths and hearts, and the kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Let's draw near to Him today, allowing the true spirit of Christmas to transform our lives and, through us, the world around us.
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